Test Process

A process can be defined as a set of activities that represent the way work is performed.

The outcome from a process is usually a product or service. Both software development and software testing are processes.


There are two ways to visually portray a process. One is the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle. The other is a workbench. The PDCA cycle is a conceptual view of a process, while the workbench is a more practical illustration of a process.

The PDCA View of a Process:

It has four components. They are :

P – Plan - Devise Your Plan

Define your objective and determine the conditions and methods required to achieve your objective. Describe clearly the goals and policies needed to achieve the objective at this stage. Express a specific objective numerically. Determine the procedures and conditions for the means and methods you will use to achieve the objective.

D – Do (or Execute) the Plan

Create the conditions and perform the necessary teaching and training to execute the plan. Make sure everyone thoroughly understands the objectives and the plan. Teach workers the procedures and skills they need to fulfill the plan and thoroughly understand the job. Then perform the work according to these procedures.
C – Check the Results

Check to determine whether work is progressing according to the plan and whether the expected results are obtained. Check for performance of the set procedures, changes in conditions, or abnormalities that may appear. As often as possible, compare the results of the work with the objectives.

A – Act - Take the Necessary Action

If your checkup reveals that the work is not being performed according to plan or that results are not as anticipated, devise measures for appropriate action. If a check detects an abnormality that is, if the actual value differs from the target value – search for the cause of the abnormality and eliminate the cause. This will prevent the recurrence of the defect. Usually you will need to retrain workers and revise procedures to eliminate the cause of a defect.

The Workbench View of a Process

A process can be viewed as one or more workbenches. Each workbench is built on the following two components:

1• Objective : States why the process exists, or its purpose.

Example: A JAD session is conducted to uncover the majority of customer requirements early and efficiently, and to ensure that all involved parties interpret these requirements consistently.

2• People Skills : The roles, responsibilities, and associated skill sets needed to execute a process. Major roles include suppliers, owners, and customers.

Each workbench has the following components:

1 • Inputs :– The entrance criteria or deliverables needed to perform testing.

2 • Procedures : Describe how work must be done; how methods, tools, techniques, and people are applied to perform a process. There are Do procedures and Check procedures. Procedures indicate the “best way” to meet standards.


1. Scribe: Use the XYZ tool to enter the requirements. Generate a list of any open issues using the XX template.

2. Leader: Walk through the requirements, paraphrasing each item. Address each open issue when its REF column contains the item being covered.

The previous post is regarding software independentdent testing.

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