How do we test a software ?

The following are the different techniques of software testing on the open basis.

Functional (black-box) methods can be applied to any unit, build, or system, since they assume no knowledge of how either was constructed or what it contains. Such methods require a sufficient and unambiguous specification if they are to be effective. (Devising black-box tests for some code from its specification at the time the specification is written is a useful verification of the specification; if it can’t be done, the specification isn’t good enough.) This is what you will normally do for a system test.

Structural (white-box) methods can also be used on any unit or build, but are cheapest to devise when used on structured programs, e.g., well-written programs in a structured language. These are usually applied to unit tests.

Dynamic analysis techniques are derivative methods which assume that a particular technique such as condition tables, finite state machines, object-orientation, or functional programming, has been used to develop the software; we use knowledge of that technique to determine the test cases, so these have very special areas of application. These can be applied at both system test and unit test times. These are usually applied to unit tests.

Static analysis techniques can best be used before integration, and can also point to the need for more-rigorous unit testing. These require using tools to analyze the source code .These are usually applied to unit tests.

Symbolic evaluation carried out by an automated symbolic evaluation tool places no special requirement on the unit, except of course that it be in the language evaluated by the tool. This involves “dry-running” the code, and recording the output values of variables algebraically rather than using specific values for input variables . This is usually applied to unit tests.

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