Screen Validation Checklist in software testing


1. Is the general screen background the correct colour?.

2. Are the field prompts the correct colour?

3. Are the field backgrounds the correct colour?

4. In read-only mode, are the field prompts the correct colour?

5. In read-only mode, are the field backgrounds the correct colour?

6. Are all the screen prompts specified in the correct screen font?

7. Is the text in all fields specified in the correct screen font?

8. Are all the field prompts aligned perfectly on the screen?

9. Are all the field edit boxes aligned perfectly on the screen?

10. Are all groupboxes aligned correctly on the screen?

11. Should the screen be resizable?

12. Should the screen be minimisable?

13. Are all the field prompts spelt correctly?

14. Are all character or alpha-numeric fields left justified? This is the default
unless otherwise specified.

15. Are all numeric fields right justified? This is the default unless otherwise

16. Is all the microhelp text spelt correctly on this screen?

17. Is all the error message text spelt correctly on this screen?

18. Is all user input captured in UPPER case or lower case consistently?

19. Where the database requires a value (other than null) then this should be defaulted into fields. The user must either enter an alternative valid value or leave the default value intact.

20. Assure that all windows have a consistent look and feel.

21. Assure that all dialog boxes have a consistent look and feel.


1. Does a failure of validation on every field cause a sensible user error message?

2. Is the user required to fix entries which have failed validation tests?

3. Have any fields got multiple validation rules and if so are all rules being applied?

4. If the user enters an invalid value and clicks on the OK button (i.e. does not TAB off the field) is the invalid entry identified and highlighted correctly with an error message.?

5. Is validation consistently applied at screen level unless specifically required at field level?

6. For all numeric fields check whether negative numbers can and should be able to be entered.

7. For all numeric fields check the minimum and maximum values and also some mid-range values allowable?

8. For all character/alphanumeric fields check the field to ensure that there is a character limit specified and that this limit is exactly correct for the specified database size?

9. Do all mandatory fields require user input?

10. If any of the database columns don’t allow null values then the corresponding screen fields must be mandatory. (If any field which initially was mandatory has become optional then check whether null values are allowed in this field.


1. Can the screen be accessed correctly from the menu?

2. Can the screen be accessed correctly from the toolbar?

3. Can the screen be accessed correctly by double clicking on a list control on the previous screen?

4. Can all screens accessible via buttons on this screen be accessed correctly?

5. Can all screens accessible by double clicking on a list control be accessed correctly?

6. Is the screen modal. i.e. Is the user prevented from accessing other functions when this screen is active and is this correct?

7. Can a number of instances of this screen be opened at the same time and is this correct?

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